東 主催公演「歩 AYUMU」12/9
日韓2000km、叩き歩んで来た杖鼓奏者 チェジェチョル 人間の限界を突き抜ける演奏を探求する和太鼓奏者 陽介 和楽器集団「東」が二人のスペシャルゲストを迎え2017年を締めくくる!! Azuma returns with yet another premier event as we draw close to the end of the year. To celebrate what 2017 offered, please join us with this exclusive concert in collaboration with two extinguished artists, Jaechol Choi and Yosuke! 出演者プロフィール 和楽器集団 東 Azuma | 元鼓童の立石雷の呼びかけにより結成。日本伝統楽器である和太鼓、笛、箏、三味線を演奏する和楽器集団。2017年5月に旗揚げ公演を行い、仏教音楽・声明の発祥地と言われている京都大原勝林院での公演や、学校公演活動を行う。また2017年8月には、アメリカネバダ州で開催される7万人の世界最大のアートフェス「バーニングマン」にて、バーニングマン史上初、招待和楽器集団として演奏を行い、絶大な評価をえる。 演奏活動以外にも京都にて、訪日外国人に向けたワークショップを行うなど多岐に渡り活動中。 Formed by Rai Tateishi (former member of the renowned taiko group KODO), Azuma is a Japanese traditional music ensemble utilizing taiko (Japanese drums), shinobue (Japanese bamboo flute), koto and shamisen (Japanese strings) in their repertoire. Their debut concert in May 2017 received great acclamation and has been highly sought after since their acknowledgement. Azuma has performed at the Shorin-in Temple in Kyoto, the place known as where Buddhist music was born, and has been offering many school programs at local schools in the Kansai region. In August 2017, Azuma was invited as the first taiko group to perform at Burning Man, an art festival held every year in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada which left a great impression to the participants. Besides performing, Azuma also leads taiko workshops in Kyoto for tourists from overseas and actively involves its members with the community. 陽介 Yosuke | Taiko Artist 1999年 鼓童 研修所入所、 2003年より鼓童メンバーとして国内外で活躍。 「三宅」「大太鼓」を得意とし、2012年からは演出を手がけ、太鼓や踊りの演目、唄の作詞・作曲なども行う。2013年、2015年には坂東玉三郎氏 演出 主演『アマテラス』でスサノオ役を務め力強い大太鼓と演技力で物語を盛り上げ観客の心を惹きつけた。『混沌』公演では梶原徹也氏 指導のもとクライマックスのドラムソロを担当 新しい魅力を開花した。2017年9月に鼓童を退団し今後もエネルギー溢れるパフォーマンスで魂を揺さぶる音を追求する。 Yosuke became an apprentice at KODO in 1999 and was selected as one of the official members in 2003. He worked his way into becoming one of the leading members specializing in Miyake taiko and odaiko. In 2012, he began producing KODO concerts as well as composing many of the pieces. In 2013 and 2015 he starred in Kabuki Actor Tamasaburo Bando’s production, “Amaterasu”, and played the role of Susanoo to which he was highly praised for his performance and acting skills. In another production, “Konton”, the audience was drawn into the show with his newly acquired skill of western drumming. Yosuke has since then left KODO in September of 2017 in pursuit to explore new sounds and expression to create an even more dynamic performance. チェ ジェチョル Jaechol Choi | Korean Drum Artist Korean drum (chango) musician, 韓国太鼓(チャング)演奏家。五穀豊穣、豊年を祈る韓国の民俗芸能「農楽」の囃子を基に、伝統音楽と現代音楽の垣根を越えて様々な場面で活躍。仙波清彦&カルガモーズ、琴鼓'n管、わたらに所属。 2009年より、日本と韓国の文化に触れる旅『Chango Walk』を始める。「歩く生活、歩くリズム」を求めて、東京~韓国 星州(2009,2010,2015)、東京~富士山頂~東京(2016)の道のりを太鼓を叩き歩いた。 2015年より、日韓の芸能交流活動を積極的に進める。トブロン農楽団として「三陸国際芸術祭」に出演。「マツリクロッシング」を企画し岩手鹿踊と韓国農楽のコラボレーション、かわさきJAZZでは佐山雅弘(pf)、仙波清彦(鼓)と共に「農楽×JAZZ」のコラボレーションを手掛けている。 Jaechol, has been studying Nong-Ak (traditional Korean farmers music and dance) and creating hybrid music utilizing Nong-Ak and contemporary music. Jaechol is currently a member of the following groups--Kiyohiko Semba & Karugamos, Kinkonkan, and Watara. In 2009, Jaechol began a tour called “Chango Walk”, in purpose to learning both Japanese and Korean cultures. Seeking for “Walking Life, Walking Rhythm”, Jaechol hiked 2,000 kilometers from Tokyo~South Korea (in 2009, 2010, 2015) and Tokyo~Mt. Fuji~ Tokyo (in 2016) whilst playing the chango. In 2015, Jaechol delved deeper into understanding Japanese and Korean cultural relations through his music. He performed at the Sanriku International Arts Festival as a member of the Toburong Nong-Ak group. Jaechol started a project called Matsuri Crossing collaborating with Iwate Shishiodori, and has also worked with Masahiro Sayama and Kiyohiko Semba at Kawasaki JAZZ in a project called Nougaku x JAZZ. チラシ掲載情報: 企画・演出:立石雷 主催:和楽器集団 東 Hosted by Azuma Artistic Director:Rai Tateishi 入場料 大人:3500円(当日4000円)高校生以上 子供:2000円(当日2500円)中学生以下 【未就学児入場不可】 Ticket Prices: Adults: 3,500 yen (4,000 yen at the door) Children under age 15: 2,000 yen (2,500 yen at the door) * Children under age 7 not permitted 問い合わせ 東事務局(佐伯) 電話番号090-5977-0123 Email: azuma.wagakki@gmail.com Contact Information: Azuma Phone number: 090-5977-0123 Email: azuma.wagakki@gmail.com